How does a brand’s narrative shape a community? I serve as the Director of Communications at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta where I confront this question daily. Unitarian Universalism is a non-dogmatic progressive faith community. Members are united by shared ethical commitments and community accountability rather than spiritual beliefs. I tell the story of this unique faith and its place in Atlanta, capturing members’ shared commitments to social justice, compassion, and education.

UUCA Instagram post (@uucatl)

I manage both high-level brand strategy and day-to-day demands of social media, website SEO auditing, direct marketing, and more. My work also applies to internal comms processes, establishing best practices and systems for our staff and board. I designed UUCA’s first internal DEAI curriculum which has been licensed to other Unitarian Universalist congregations.

Weekly Update newsletter which maintains an open rate of 55%
Flier for 2024 SOUUL Summit Conference
2022 Introductory Video, edited and written by Shay, shot by Mr. Louis Studios
Clipped video of a Sunday sermon for use on UUCA socials
Trailer for worship series, edited and written by Shay
Given Shay’s background in performance, sometimes they get to play a part on Sunday mornings! Just for fun, check out this reading of My Color is Purple by Scott Stuart.